Z0172CK Tools

Installation Usage

Current Version = 1.2

Z0172ck Tools is a tool initially designed for people with little knowledge of linux devices and computer security

This tool automates and makes tasks or jobs easier. Use it at your own risk and consent, in no case the creators and representative of Z0172CK will not be responsible for its use. Be responsible ;)

Install Z0172CK Tools

Take into account that the tool Z0172CK-Tools the main language is python 3, when using another version of python such as 2.7 it will print an error and the program will not be able to be executed to install python3 in linux we can simply place the command sudo apt install python3

The tool in stable version V1.2 is optimized for Linux more specifically Kali Linux, when using another device such as windows or termux it can give an error when installing, configuring or executing it, it can give an error in the whole program or in specific functions of the program, it is recommended to use Kali Linux in the latest version

Installation Automatically

For automatic installation only we need to run a bash file called install.sh . Note: in the current version of Z0172CK-Tools V1.2 is only available for systems linux operating

Programs, libraries and modules to install

It will be installed python3, python3-pip, nmap, hydra, tor, curl, nikto nmap, maven, default-jdk default-jre, openjdk-8-jdk, openjdk-8-jre, zlib1g-dev, libncurses5-dev, lib32z1, lib32ncurses6, screen, colorama, shodan, ipinfo, terminaltables, selenium, Pillow, Jinja2, user-agent, PyLaTeX, python-nmap, qrcode, Flask, Flask_Login, python-secrets, pyshorteners

Manual installation

sudo apt Install python3 python3-pip nmap hydra tor curl nikto maven default-jdk default-jre openjdk-8-jdk openjdk-8-jre zlib1g-dev libncurses5-dev lib32z1 lib32ncurses6 screen

In the manual installation we have to install some applications and python libraries, for the installation of the python libraries we will use pip, if you do not have pip installed you can click here

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

with this command we can install all the necessary python libraries
